Substances normally present in our daily diet can disrupt the body as an allergen. Gluten and lactose are two known allergens. Those who follow paleo do not suffer from these substances. Dairy and grains are not allowed within the paleo spectrum, because they are processed before they can be consumed. What is the situation then with food that is paleo proof and still gives complaints? That requires some detective work with the help of AIP.Objective of the autoimmune protocol, the AIP It is a fact that food that is paleo proof causes complaints to some people - in particular some people with autoimmune issues or sensitivities. That 'some' on the other hand makes it difficult to designate one type of food as a generic culprit. Not everyone will get complaints. Even people with an autoimmune disease do not have to respond badly to a substance. Every body is different, responds differently and requires customization with regard to the triggers. The objective of the AIP is to detect those hidden triggers that cause the complaints, so that they can be avoided. A brief explanation in advance of the paleo lifestyle cannot be missing, followed by an explanation from the AIP.